Apply now

Please wait to apply until you have read the instructions, are prepared to pay for evaluation services, and ready to send your academic credentials to us. 

With information prepared, the application process should take 5-10 minutes. 

Step 1

Before you begin, please open our application instructions:

This guide will address frequently asked questions and ensure your application arrives complete and ready for evaluation. 

Step 2

Have the following information prepared:


Payment is made securely with a credit or debit card. You will receive a payment receipt once the transaction is completed.

Required Documentation

Required documentation differs per country.

Know what documents you need to submit and be prepared to send them.

Step 3

If this is your first request, complete the Evaluation Request Form at the bottom of this page this page.

 If you have previously applied for evaluation, you can request additional copies or a revised evaluation.

Apply Here

For applicants applying for preschool or daycare licensure through the WI Registry grant and who have a WI Registry ID
click here for the WI Registry application form.
For all other application purposes (e.g. further education, immigration, or employment not through the WI Registry) please proceed below.